«General History and museum issues» chair

Otarbayeva Gulzhan Koobeevna

Candidate of historical sciences, docent

Chief of department

Contact information: №7 building, 306 room

Work telephone:  8(7252) 41-43-69

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

►Teachers' staff

►History of the chair

The chair exists since 1998, i.e. since the period of formation of M. Auezov SKSU. In 2014 – 2015 academic year, in connection with transfer of such humanitarian specialties as “Library Issues”, “Geography”, “Museum Issues and Protection of Monuments”, the chair was renamed to “General History and Museum Issues”. Now the chair trains students and candidates for a master’s degree in such specialties as “History”, “Archeology and Ethnology”, “Library Issues”, “Museum Issues and Protection of Monuments”, “Geography”.

Ismailov A. I. , Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, who was Chairman of OS “Society of Historians and Political Scientists of SKO”, “The best teacher of the HEI” in 2014, owner of international grant “Bolashak” of the Presidentof the Republic of Kazakhstan, worked at the chair.

The staf of the chair actively participates in the implementation of research project on the theme “Ancient Otrar at the crossroad of culturaltraditions of Central Asia” (Kangju epoch), financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Republican Educational and Methodical Council has been functioning since 1998 in the specialties “Library Issues” and “Museum Issues and Protection of Monuments”. In 2015, the teachers of the chair carried out international summer school “Sacral places of SKO” with students and candidates for a master’s degree of  Lomonosov  Moscow State University with Funk D., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor. Students of the chair are trained in Poland and Russia according to the program of academic mobility. According to the requirements of the Federal state education standards by the results of III International competition of educational and scientific works of students, candidates for a master’s degree, PhD – students QUALITY EDUCATION – 2017, students of the specialty 5B041900 – Museum Issues and Protection of Monuments were awarded with Diplomas of I and II degrees.

The chair has international relations with leading universities in Russia, Uzbekistan, carried out fruitful cooperation with universities from far abroad: China, Turkey, South Korea.


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160012, Shyment City, Tauke khan avenue, 5


(8-725-2) 40-08-99

(8-725-2) 27-38-52


Chancellery(8-725-2) 21-01-41



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