
       The subject research works of five departments of the faculty "History and Pedagogy" corresponds to the strategic thematic plan of the university and the faculty. At the departments scientific research is carried out in the following areas:

- "Problems of continuing regional (general, secondary special, secondary professional, higher) education. Ethnopedagogics, psychology. "

- "Historical and cultural, artistic, pedagogical and sports and recreational aspects of personal education and development."

Research work of five departments are carried out in accordance with the following state budget topics:

B-21-85-12 - Conceptual foundations of Russian history in the context of the national idea "Mangilik El." The head  is the c.h.s., S.U Karibayev, performers are candidates of historical sciences Zh.I. Muldakhmetova, Zh.T. Dzholdybayev, S.M. Dzhunusbayev, G.S. Tileukulov, Zh.K. Belgibay , S.K. Kosanbayev, S.S. Sadykulova, L.A. Rsymbetova, the doctor of PhD is G. Batyrbekkyzy, masters of history Sh.B. Sembiyeva, A.O. Mukasheva, A. Jalilov, A.A. Bayzhanova, B. Saparbekova, G.B. Kablanova, E. Oryntayeva, G.Sh. Kapbarova, A. Talman.

B-21-80-12 - Study of the heritage of South Kazakhstan in the context of the idea "Spiritual revival." The head is c.h.s., associated professor G.K Otarbayeva , performers are M.K. Kukeeva, A.G.Isengaliyeva, S.T.Musayeva, G.A. Zhanysbekova, A.K. Avizova, N.E.Tazhmukhanova, G.E. Mirzamseitova, E.Pazylov, M.Tugelova,  A.K.Otarbayeva, M.Toyeva, A. Erlankyzy.

B-21-82-11 - Topical problems of distance learning in preschool and elementary classes. The head is p.s.c., associated professor M.A.Ermekbaev,  performers are S.M. Sikhimbaeva, B.A. Narkulova, A.U.Yesim, N.N. Medetbekova, S.B. Zhoraeva, U.B.Ibragimova, U.T. Urazbahova, S.U.Dzhetpisbaeva.

B-21-84-12 - Modernization of the training of future teacher-psychologists and scientific and pedagogical personnel in the system of psychological and pedagogical education at the university. The head is  d.p.s., professor N.Sh. Almetov, performers are c.p.s., L.A.Buletova, d.p.s., professor A.A.Kalybekova, d.p.s., professor A.B. Nurlybekova, c.p.s., G.I.Makhmutova, the doctor of PhD A.M.Usenova, c.p.s., G.A.Nuridinova, c.p.s., S.N.Suleymenova,, A.A.Suleymenova, c.p.s., S.Primbetova, c.p.s., R.B.Usembayeva, master G.B Nurkhanova, master T.B.Ashirbekova.

B-21-70-10 - Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the competent development of future specialists in the implementation of the program "Bolashaqa bagdar: ruhani zhangyru" in the conditions of inclusive education. The head is d.p.s., professor Z.B. Kabylbekova, performers are  c.p.s., associated professor A.S. Isabayeva, A.M. Nurbekova, Zh.A. Zhunisbekova, c.p.s., associated professor A.O. Shomanbayeva, senior teachers A.S. Nurzhigitov, Zh.Sh. Nigmatullina, Zh.U. Kerimbekova, I.S. Zhandabayeva, K.E. Auyelova, M.M. Moldakhanova, S.B. Aynabek, U.A. Abdukarimova, PhD, associated professor F.A. Sakhiyeva.


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