Ermekbayev Muhtar Abenovich

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor

Head of the department

For correspondence: A.Baitursinov street,  (Building №7), 334 room
Office number: 8 (7252) 41-43-69

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►Teachers' staff

History and achievements of the «The theory and methods of preschool and primary school education» department

The department «The theory and methodology of preschool and primary education» of the philological faculty of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University was founded in 1996. From 1997 to 2000, the department was successfully headed by candidate of philological sciences, professor K.Moldabek.

In 2001, the department was divided into the departments «Theory and methods of teaching natural disciplines in the primary education» (head of the departmentcandidate of pedagogical sciences, professor L. Iskakova) and «Theory and methodology of teaching philological disciplines» (Head of the department candidate of philological sciences, professor K.Moldabek).In 2003-2005, the department “Theory and methods of teaching philological disciplines” was headed by doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor A.B.Abibulaeva. In 2007, after union of the departments was established the department “Theory and methodology of preschool and primary education”. The head of department was the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor L.T. Iskakova. In 2012-2017, the department was headed by candidate of biological sciences, associate professor S.M. Sikhimbaeva, who in 2013 became the owner of the state grant “The best teacher of the university”. In 2017-2020, Urazbayev Kurmangali Marhabatovich, associate professor, member of the Union of Journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, served as head of the department "The theory and methods of preschool and primary education".

Since January 2020, the Department "The theory and methods of preschool and primary education" is headed by candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor Ermekbaev Muhtar Abenuly.

In the history of the department the holders of the “Best Teacher” grant were S.M. Sikhimbaeva, L.T. Iskakova and G.O.Zhetpisbayeva. The department employs highly qualified specialists. At present, in accordance with the policy of the president, the department has established groups with instruction in three languages. Also, the staff of the department continues to conduct research work on the topic “Variability in preschool and primary education”.

On March 18-19, 2014-2015 academic yearat the VII Republican subject Olympiadamong university students, held in the International Kazakh-Turkish University inTurkistan, the specialty “Pedagogy and methodology of primary education” team “Bagdarsham” took the third place.

In the 2018-2019 academic year, at the Republican Student Olympiad among higher educational institutions of the Kazakhstan Republic, the specialty “Preschool education and upbringing” the team “Kunshuak” took the first place and the specialty “Pedagogy and methodology of primary education” team “Bolashak” took the third place.

The staff of the department

 The department has a staff: - 31 units. Among them 2 doctors of science, 14 candidates of sciences, 1 professors, 15 associate professors, 6 senior teachers. The professors, teachers who works at the department are masters of their crafts, teachers of the state grant “The best teacher of the university” who are engaged in both scientific and educational activities at a high level.

According to the results of the rating of educational programs of higher education in Kazakhstan specialty 6B01210 «Pedagogy of pre-school upbringing and education», 6В01310 - Pedagogy and methods of primary education occupy the first place for the last three years. Based on the results of the rating of the NKAOKO, the bachelor's degree “Preschool education and upbringing”, “Pedagogy and methodology of primary education” in the republic took the first place.

The department upbringing works

The plans of the educative work have been ready for the learners to the new year according to the 10 points.  Curators work according to the confirmed plan. The educative lessons spend according to the schedule weekly. On the eve of the holidays, the wall papers are issued and lecture rooms are colorfully made out. Students of the department take active part in the university activities, concerts and statements. The special attention is given to the discipline in the groups and to the cleanliness of lecture rooms. The students who pass the lessons without a good reason are taken under the control. Students’ progress is checked according to the results of the control weeks.

Under the guidance of the open educational hours are held on the themes “Course towards the future: modernization of Kazakhstan’s identity”, “Say no to the drugs”, “There is a healthy mind in healthy body” and etc. The purpose of open educational hours is the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students, the development of a healthy personality growth, teach how to lead a healthy lifestyle, will fade from harmful habits, prevent drug addiction.

As a whole, all planned educative activities are realized. All tasks are executed on time, educational hours are held conversations that for student’s humanistic and patriotic feelings.

In the framework of President N.A.Nazarbayev’s program “Course towards the future: modernization of Kazakhstan’s identity” organized activities dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Tulkibasdistrict, Turkestan region. In the organization and holding of events together with the representatives of intellectual community, the rector of university D.P.Kozhamzharova and the head of the department “Theory and methodology of preschool and primary education”K.M.Urazbayev.

The information about the improvement of the teachers’ professional skills

 The department has a plan for advanced training of teaching staff. In according to the plan, the department teachers are held courses of professional development at the universities of the republic, the countries of the near and far abroad, at the Institute of Advanced Training of teachers “Orleu” in Almaty.

Pedagogical practice of the students

The students confirm their theoretical knowledge through making the practical and laboratorial lessons in the pedagogical practice at the schools.

Students of the specialty 6B01210 «Pedagogy of pre-school upbringing and education » pass «Pedagogical practice in the initial groups» in the kindergartens №69 “Erkebulan”, №45 “Akku”, №82 “Erkemai”, № 20 “Kazyna”.      

The students of the speciality «Pedagogy and methodology of primary education» pass pedagogical practice «The First days of the child in school» at the school-gymnasium №38 named after N.Ondasynov, school-lyceum №24 named after S.Erubayev, school-lyceum №80,school-gymnasium №1 named after A.S.Pushkin in Shymkent. The basis of knowledge builds in an elementary school. The knowledge of the elementary school is very important.

Candidates for the university!

The dear candidates for the university! One of the leading specialities of university 6B01210 - "Pedagogy of the preschool upbringing and education" and 6B01310 - "Pedagogics and methodology of primary education" in the field of education 6B01 - Pedagogical sciences guarantee you quality education and will provide bright future.

6B01210 Pedagogy of pre-school upbringing and education»

Training term 4 years

Qualification: The Bachelor degree of thepedagogy of pre-school upbringing and education.

The objects of the professional activity of graduates are various types and types of pre-school institutions, children's development centers, departments of the Department of Education.

The field of professional activity - the field of education.

6B01310 - Pedagogy and methodology of primary education

Training term: 4 years

Qualification: The Bachelor degree of the pedagogic and the elementary education methods. 

The objects of the professional activity of graduates are general education and primary schools of all types, children's development centers, departments of the Department of Education.

The field of professional activity - the field of education.

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Junusbaev Serik Mutanovitch

Head of the chair

Candidate of historycal sciences, docent

office number: 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Karibaev Sarsebai Uskenovitch

Candidate of historycal sciences, acting associate professor

office number: 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Belgibai Janar Kurmanovna


Candidate of historycal sciences, docent

office number: 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Joldibaev Jomart Токmirzaevitch


Candidate of historycal sciences, docent

office number: 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Sadikulova Saule Seidehanovna


Candidate of historycal sciences, docent

office number: 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Muldahmetova Janar Iskandirovna

Candidate of historycal sciences, docent

office number: 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tleukulov Gaukharbek Seidualievish

Candidate of historycal sciences, docent

office number: 8 (7252) 36-71-87

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Mukasheva Ardak Onlasheva


The senior teacher

office number: 8 (7252) 36-71-87

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Kosanbayev Saken Kurmanbekovich

Candidate of historycal sciences, docent

office number: 8 (7252) 36-71-87

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Mirzakulova Elmira Amangeldievna


Master, teacher

office number: 8 (7252) 36-71-87


Rsimbetova Lazzat Amangeldievna


Candidate of the history sciences, senior teacher

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Kapbarova Gaukhar Shermukhamedovna


Master, teacher

office number: 8 (7252) 36-71-87

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Saparbekova Botagoz Rahmatillaevna


 Master, teacher

office number: 8 (7252) 36-71-87

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Dzhalilov Assan Makhmedovich


Master, teacher

office number: 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Таlman  Аijan Serikovnа


Master of teacher      

office number: 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 




Aliyev Utkur 

Candidate of historical sciences, docent

office number: 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Niazbekova Moldir Sihinbaevna


Master, teacher 

office number: 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Akhai Guljamal Nisanovna


Master, teacher     

office number: 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: G-Ahai @     


Sembiyeva Shakizat Baltabaevna

Master , senior teacher

office number: 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Batyrbekkyzy Gaukhar

PhD, docent

office number: 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Oryntaeva Elmira Orynbasarovna

Master, senior lecturer

Office number: 8(7252) 36-71-87


















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Junusbaev Serik Mutanovitch

Head of the chair

Candidate of historycal sciences, docent

office number: 8 (7252) 36-71-87

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

►Teachers' staff

History and achievements of the Department "History of the Kazakhstan»

Ashim Zhanysbekovich, in the 1990s the department was renamed the The department "History of Kazakhstan" was formed in 1943 and originates from the Kazakh Institute of Chemical Technology. At this time, the department was called "Fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism" and taught public subjects.

From 1967 to 1991, the History of the CPSU and Political Economy department functioned at the Al-Farabi Institute of Culture, in the 1960s and 80s it was headed by candidates of historical sciences, associate professors Tieleuberdiev Abay Tieleuberdievich, Zhanysbekov Department of Socio-Economic Disciplines, which was headed by c.e.s., Associate Professor Raimkulov Seitzhappar Tileukulovich.

Since 1980, the name of the department of the Kazakh Institute of Chemical Technology has changed several times due to changes in society. In 1980-1989, the department was called "History of the CPSU," in 1989-1991 - "Political History of the Twentieth Century." After the collapse of the USSR and Kazakhstan gained independence, since 1992 the department was renamed the department "History of Kazakhstan." Such scientists as E.M. Goltsman, A. Suleimenov, P.I. Malyshev, S.A. Abubakirova made a huge contribution to the development of the department. From 1983 to 1995, the head of the department was Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Atauov Saktap Atauovich. In 1995-2004, the head of the department was Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Alibek Seidekhan Nurmakhanovich, during this period a master's degree and graduate school in World History were opened at the department. In 2004-2007, the head of the department was Doctor of Historical Sciences Auanasova Alima Musirovna.

In 2008-2014, the department was headed by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Saparbaev Bakhyt Koishybaevich, during his tenure there was an increase in the stability of the department in connection with the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations.

Since 2014, the Department of "History of Kazakhstan" has been headed by Karibaev Sarsebay Uskenovich, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. At present, teaching faculty of the department has taken an active part in the implementation of the state budget topic "Conceptual Foundations of Russian History in the Context of the National Idea" Mangіlіk El. "

From 2020 to the present, the head of the department is a candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Dzhunusbaev Serik Mutanovich, during this period the department began to develop and implement scientific programs and projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of Patriotic ethnology, ethnography and history.

The educational process at the department is conducted by 25 teachers, of which 9 are candidates of historical sciences, 1 doctor PhD and 7 masters.

Teachers of the department conducts the educational process for students of the 1st year of all educational programs of the bachelor's degree in the disciplines "History of Kazakhstan" and "Actual problems of modernization of public consciousness." The main place at the department is occupied by educational, scientific, educational, methodological and educational work

Scientific direction

The state budget research topic that the Department is working on is "Kazakhstan in the past, present, and future" (the study of current problems of cultural, socio-economic development of Kazakhstan from ancient times to the present day). The Department works within the framework of the strategic National project "Cultural heritage".

Scientific work

Research work is conducted on actual problems of history of Kazakhstan: socio-economic issues of the history of the development of industry – c.h.s.  Zholdybayev J.T., c.h.s., docent Sadykulova S. S.: problems of nation, religion and inter-ethnic relations, the problems of education, c.h.s., docent Karibaev S. U., on the problems of enlightenment religion and interethnic processes c.h.s., docent Moldahmetova, J. I., c.h.s., docent Yunusbaev S. M., c.h.s., docent Belgibay J. K., on the problem of the agricultural sector of Kazakhstan .

Scientific works and articles of the Department's employees are widely published in both domestic and foreign scientific publications, as well as in collections of scientific papers of national and international conferences.  The results of research work of the Department's faculty are published in journals with high RSCS. Example: Moldahmetova J. I., Saparbekova B. Supplement to the journal Modern problems of science and education. Article: "on the role of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan in the modern history of the country". Section historical Sciences publications for 2015, S. I. Aikozov, E. O. Oryntayeva Appendix to the journal Modern problems of science and education. Article: "On the methodology of agricultural development of the republic of Kazakhstan".Section historical Sciences publications for 2015, S. I. Aikozov Appendix to the journal Modern problems of science and education. Article: "Methodology of research of the history of social and economic development in the market relation". Historical Sciences section. publications for 2015, J. K. Belgibay, J.I. Moldahmetova "Technology of formation historic landmark." Life Science Journal 2014, Moldahmetova J. I. Technology of formation of pedagogical high shool students ' ethnic tolerance by means of teaching history. Life Science Jornal 2014, Karibaev S.U. "From the history of ethno cultural centers in South Kazakhstan region" Modern problems of Humanities and natural Sciences. Moscow, December 24-25, 2014, Kabyl A. The problem of interaction between the Museum and the school. "Te Second International conference on development of history of art and cultorology in Eurasia". Proceedings of the Conference ( January 30, 2015). "East West" Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH. Vienna. 2015. 50 p. (International conference on the development of art and cultural studies in Eurasia. Austria, Vienna.  January 30, 2015), Karibaev S.U." Historical Research A. Bukeikhan on the history of the Kazakh people " European Scientific Conference. 2017, Zholdybayev J.T., Kabyl A., Dzhunusbayev S. M. "From ethnographic descriptions of the Kazakh people in the works of T. U. Atkinson (based on the materials of the Turkestan collection)" Developing Labor Resources of Kazakhstan in the Context of Social Modernization Goals " / SSN 2308-4804.Science and the world.  Volgograd-2017. No 2 (6).Vol. I. 224. journal of Impact factor "Science and the World" - 0.325 (Global Impact Factor, Australia), J. I. Muldakhmetova, B. R. Saparbekova, S. Torieva "Studying the history of problems of modern history of the Republic of Kazakhstan in modern history" Modern problems of science and education 2017, Moscow, Russia, Dzhunusbaev S. M., Savin I. S., Baitureeva K. A. "on interethnic interaction in rural communities of the South of Kazakhstan", Modern problems of science and education No. 6, 2017, Appendix "Philosophical Sciences" Pp. 16-18 Moscow, Russia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Muldakhmetova J.I., Saparbekova b.R., Baizhanova A.A. "Development of historiography of interethnic relations in Kazakhstan during the period of "perestroika". XX international scientific-practical conference " Russia and Europe: the connection of culture and economy." Prague, Czech Republic, 2 .03. 2018, Batyrbekkyzy G., Zhamelov B. A., Dzhalilov A.M." Uly Zhibek Zholy boindagi kalalar" Actual scientific research in the modern world. Issue 11 (43). Part 4. Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, November 2018, Zhamelov B. A., Dzhalilov, A. M., G. Batyrberkizy The beginning of the concept of "Ramiz" and the symbolic (symbolic) sign of animal symbolism» Issue 11 (43). Part 4. - Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi, November 2018.

The teaching staff of the Department "History of Kazakhstan" is actively engaged in educational work among young people along with educational, methodical and scientific works.

The Department is a center and organizer of social and political research. According to the plan of research work of the Department "History of the Kazakhstan" for 2016-2017, teachers of the Department conduct research on the main sections of the state budget theme.  B. 16-12-02 "Kazakhstan in the past, future and present".

The Department continues 2 research projects:

1. Study of ethnic integration among young people in the South Kazakhstan region. Project Manager: c.h.s., docent S. U. Karibaev.

2. Research of interaction factors in multi-ethnic rural regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and creation of a model for strengthening the internal unity of the population. Project Manager: c.h.s., docent S.M. Zhunisbayev 

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