The theory and technique of teaching of biology

Head of department
Kylyshbaeva Gulnar Bakiramovna
Candidate of agricultural sciences, docent

Address: 208-А A. Baitursinov street Shymkent 160013.
Telephone: 8-7252-30-09-28
► Teachers' staff
General information
        The Department was organized for the first time in 1991 on  biological faculty of  Shymkent pedagogical institute of physical culture. At the organization the first years Department was directed  by  c.b.s. professor M.Sultanov. In different years chair managed: 1994-1996 professor A. Akhmetniyazov, 1997-1998  professor, docent A.Ismailov, 1998-2011  c.b.s. docent  E.Isayev, 2011-2012  c.p.s.  G. Turabayeva. Since 2012y   Department has been directing docent G. Kylyshbayeva.

        At this time, the department "Theory and Methods of Teaching of Biology" trains bachelors in the daytime, evening and distance learning: 5В011300- "Biology" and 5В060700- "Biology" and the specialty 6M060700- "Biology" - masters. Prepare professionals highly qualified teaching staff, including 2 doctors of sciences, professors, 16 associate professors and 14 Masters.
        Professors and teaching staff  of the chair "Theory and methodology of teaching biology" on the state budget themes conducted research works on two fronts:
        1. B-11-07-0-30 The botanical diversity of the Western mountain range of Tien - Shan. Supervisor: Performer: c.b.s Kylyshbaeva G.B., c.b.s Mynbayev R.O., c.b.s Kydyrbayeva H.K., master Zhumanbayev E.Z., Tagaybekova D.S.
        Results of the study of botanical diversity of the mountain range of the Western Tien Shan constitute the scientific basis for effective use and protection of the flora of the Western Tien Shan, and used materials determine the anthropogenic influences in teaching the course "Botany" and the environmental situation of precious and rare trees found in the south of the mountainous regions of South Kazakhstan region .
        2. B-10.11.19 Theoretical and applied problems of teaching biological disciplines. Supervisor: c.p.s. Turabaeva G.K. Performer: Bozshatayeva G.T., c.a-c.s. Ospanova G.S., c.b.s Mynbayev R.O., theacher Zhumatayeva U.T., c.p.s. Anlamasova G.A., senior teachers Myrzabayeva Zh.K., Kemelbekova G.A., Adyrbekova G.T.
        "Theoretical and practical problems of teaching biological disciplines" Supervisor: c.b.s Kylyshbaeva G.B., c.b.s Mynbayev R.O., Alshynbaev O.A., c.b.s Kydyrbayeva H.K., c.b.s Mominova K.Sh., c.a-c.s. Berdaliyeva A.M., master Zhoshybekova А.S.
        The department works closely with research institutions, environmental organizations, education departments SKO and Shymkent and higher education institutions of Kazakhstan, CIS and non-CIS countries. Made up of a cooperation agreement with Sairam-Ugam national park, zoo and Dendro-Shymkent, the Research Institute of MES "Botany and Phytointroduction" Treasury of al-Farabi Kazakh National Abai and Moscow State University named after MV University, named after K.A RSHA Timiryazeva Volgograd State Pedagogical University, Institute of "Botanica" Republic of Uzbekistan for practice and training of students, graduates and staff of the department.
        At the department of foreign students from China, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and also undergo training foreign students and graduates from Scotland, Germany.
        On the  department  "Theory and methodology  of teaching biology" have  educational experience for students greenhouse " Research laboratory of plants"
        In this greenhouse, many students can work for Scientific Research (diploma thesis, dissertation).
        The " Research laboratory of plants " are grown subtropical and tropical crops (bananas, figs, pineapple, lemon, persimmon), vegetables, perennials, conifers under greenhouse conditions, the introduction in the production of the best in taste.



        Film greenhouses, equipped with a heating system for solid fuels, there is a boiler room; provided irrigation system fitted from the natural spring sources, use of the well plug on request. The yield of cucumbers and tomatoes - an average of 3.0-3.5 and 4.5-5.0 kg respectively.


        In the laboratory, it is available following equipment: an electronic microscope, spectrometer, spectrograph, calorimeter, and other equipment necessary to perform the experiments.

        The department "Theory and methodology of teaching biology" in 2011 opened a special English group they are studies the subjects in English.
        At present, to perform the President's message "New Kazakhstan in the new world," "Trinity" in 2016, many subjects are taught in English.

        Chair  «Theory and methodology of teaching of biology» open «Botanical garden» and this garden using  for scientific work and thesis for students.
        In the  «Botanical garden» growing fruits-trees and flowers. Every plant object being students scientific work and thesis. Nearby every tree written full name students and name scientific plant object.

        In the garden has 19 species of  fruits-trees` 35 pieces and 5 species of flowers more  100 pieces. Also including bench and pavement.
        Masters of the chair "Theory and methodology of teaching biology" took part in the seventh national contest for the best scientific work "Gylym sharaynasy" organized by “Scientific-methodical center «ZIAT» (Astana). On the results of the contest was awarded 1st prize place to masrers of the chair Asanova M., Sydykova Zh., Tilemisova A. for their work "The social bases of formation a healthy way of the students life ", Kasymbekova A., Kydyralieva M. were awarded the 3rd prize place for the work " The introducting innovative technologies tools in biology " and awarded diplomas. The scientific supervisor of masters professor of the chair       Kalkabaeva S.A. was awarded with special diploma "For high results and prize places by masters”.


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