History of the chair

History of the chair

       The Department of General History and Museum Science was formed on January 10, 2020 at the Faculty of History and Pedagogy. Currently, the department trains students and undergraduates in the specialties "History", "Archeology and Ethnology", "Library Science", "Museum Science and protection of monuments ", January 15, 2020 the department has successfully passed the next recertification of the audit" Russian register "The team participated in the implementation of a scientific project on the topic" Ancient Otrar at the crossroads of cultural traditions of Central Asia "(Kangyui era), funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Since 1998, the RUMS has been operating in the specialties "Librarianship" and "Museum Science and Protection of Monuments". In 2015, the teachers of the department conducted an international summer school "Sacred places of the SKO" with students and undergraduates of the Moscow State University. M. Lomonosov, together with Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor D. Funk. Students of the department under the program of academic mobility study at universities in Poland and Russia.               

          As part of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, following the results of the III International competition of educational and scientific works of students, undergraduates, doctoral students QUALITY EDUCATION - 2017, students of the specialty 5В041900 - Museum business and protection of monuments were awarded with Diplomas of I and II degrees.

        International relations have been established with the leading universities of Russia, Uzbekistan, fruitful cooperation is underway with universities from far abroad: China, Turkey, South Korea.

         Training of specialists from the following specialties:

There are 14 educational programs at the department of which: 8 bachelor's degrees: 6 master's degrees    6В01, 7М01 - Pedagogical sciences: 6В01610 - History,    02 ,: 6В02220 History, 6В02230 - Archeology and Ethnology, 6В02240 - Museum Science and Protection of Monuments, 7М02220 - History, 7М02230 - Archeology and Ethnology;   03,7М03 - "Social sciences, journalism and information", Librarianship, information processing and archiving: 6В03210 - Librarianship, 7М03210 - librarianship

In connection with the introduction of practical training in the educational process at the department in the specialty "Librarianship", dual education was introduced. During the reporting period, on the basis of the introduction of the dual training system, contracts were concluded and work is underway to open a branch of the department in the specialty 6В02220 - history of the direction 6В02. 7М02 - Research and Humanitarian Sciences (archive of the socio - political history of the Turkestan region)

During the academic year, an English language test was held among students to create a group for trilingual education, one student of the TP 18-4tk group was selected. The teachers of the department, before starting teaching in English, passed the selection competition of a special commission. Currently, 6 faculty members of the department at different PreIntermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate study in English courses.

Educational and production bases of the department: Shymkent city general education and secondary schools and gymnasiums, lyceums, the state archive of the region, located in the city of Shymkent Turkestan, the Turkestan region of the socio-political history archive, the Turkestan regional history and local history museum, the D. Kunaev Memorial Museum, " Sairam-Ugam State National Natural Park ", city library for children and youth named after A.S. Pushkin, regional universal scientific library.

The department employs 24 teachers, including 1 doctor of historical sciences, professor, 1 doctor of PhD, 1 doctor of pedagogical sciences, candidate of pedagogical sciences, 2 professors, 3 candidates of historical sciences, 1 candidate of philosophical sciences.


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160012, Shyment City, Tauke khan avenue, 5


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