General information

The department works in the specialties of the following faculties: "Pedagogy and Culture", "Philology" and the Higher School "Scientific and Natural Pedagogy".
The department conducts practical classes in the discipline "Physical Culture" with students of the I, II, III courses of the day department.
Sports facilities of the department are partly equipped with necessary sports equipment and equipment for high-quality training and sports competitions.
The tasks of the physical training of future specialists are solved in the physical training classes by studying theoretical and practical issues, by studying the sections of the program based on practical applied sports, taking into account future specialties, by using the technical means of training simulators, organizing additional, independent classes professionally - applied physical training. To determine the functional performance of students using the Cooper test, the Harvard step test. Based on the results of the examination, one can judge the working capacity of the student's body, the deviations in the health of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and regulate the physical load individually.
On the basis of preliminary studies, corrections are introduced in the technology of professionally applied physical training, which is based on the regulatory requirements of the Presidential tests.
Teachers of the department try to teach the students a conscientious attitude to work, socially useful activity, inventory, equipment and are involved in the work on improvement.
Classes in physical culture contribute to the development of ethics of behavior and relationships in groups, in a team.
For the conduct of training exercises and recreational activities the department has the following sports facilities:
- soccer field 10 x 64 m
- circular treadmill 4 x 400 m
- place for jumps in length 6 x 4 m
Sports halls - 18 x 36 m; (in buildings No. 8, No. 10)
Sports facilities of the department are partly equipped with necessary sports equipment and equipment for high-quality training and sports competitions.
To improve the methods of teaching and educating students in the process of physical education classes, as well as to improve the methodological level of the teaching staff, educational and methodical classes with PPP were conducted.
For students who have been released for medical reasons from physical culture or referred to a special medical group, the subject of abstracts has been developed.
Based on the study of physical preparedness of students, the models of physical preparedness of SKSU were developed at the first and second courses of the university, the interrelation of physical readiness and health of students
Independent work of students on the discipline "Physical Culture" consists of 2 sections: theoretical and practical. The first section turns out the issues that study the meaning, goals, tasks of physical education, its means, its role in the social life of society, the concept of a healthy lifestyle, basic information about the human body and the influence of physical exercises on it.
At the department, a map of the educational process was compiled, which included all types of practical activities of students and was evaluated according to the modular-rating system.
This included the Cooper test, the Presidential test, the standards for general physical training, the technique of playing volleyball, basketball, lightweight athletics, football.
At the department there are: the work plan of the department, the plan for educational, methodical and scientific research work, the plan for sports and mass recreation activities, the plan for improving the qualifications of teachers, the plan for educational activities in the quality management system approved at the meeting of the department.


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160012, Shyment City, Tauke khan avenue, 5


(8-725-2) 40-08-99

(8-725-2) 27-38-52


Chancellery(8-725-2) 21-01-41

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