Merit and achievements

Achievement of the department

The research work of the department is carried out in accordance with the topic

B-11-10-12 "Theory and technology of the formation of ethnocultural competencies of the future teacher, taking into account the ethno-regional characteristics of Kazakhstan." Its results are introduced into the educational process in the form of inclusion in the content of lectures, seminars and practical classes in pedagogy, inclusion in assignments for the period of pedagogical practice of students, preparation for the publication of guidelines on this problem. At the Department of General Pedagogy and Ethnopedagogy, research work is carried out in the following direction: development of innovative teaching and upbringing technologies, their introduction into the continuous education system; development of programs, guidelines for teachers of secondary schools, the introduction of research results into the educational process of the university.

The teachers of the department constantly take an active part in the work of scientific conferences at various levels. In 2011, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Nurlybekova A.B. participated in the scientific-practical conference Eurodep (France, Paris). The teaching staff of the department took part in the work of the following international scientific and practical conferences: "Innovation in science: as a determinant of the development of a specialist in the 21st century" (St. Petersburg, 2011).The teachers of the department constantly take an active part in the work of scientific conferences at various levels. In 2011, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Nurlybekova A.B. participated in the scientific-practical conference Eurodep (France, Paris). The teaching staff of the department took part in the work of the following international scientific and practical conferences: "Innovation in science: as a determinant of the development of a specialist in the 21st century" (St. Petersburg, 2011).

In addition, the results of the research work of the teaching staff of the department were published in the journal with a high impact factor "Pedagogy": scientific and theoretical journal of the Russian Academy of Education (Almetov N.Sh.), teaching staff of the department Arymbaeva K.M., Almetov N.Sh. A.A. Suleimenova S.N. published 6 articles in foreign rating journals "SCIENCE AND WORLD", "Life Science Journal", "Jokull journal", "The Way of Science", as well as in the following republican scientific journals: "Science and Education of South Kazakhstan", "Ult takylymy "," Izdenis "," Psychology. Sociology. Pedagogy "," Bulletin of Humanitarian Education ", etc.

     The propaganda of research work was carried out in the form of publications: "Bright colors of Nauryz" ("Country and World", No. 11, 03/21/2011) "Without education, a person will not take place" ("Kazakhstanskaya Pravda", common house "(" South Kazakhstan ", №36, 25.03.2011).

     According to the results of scientific research, the teachers of the department have published more than 450 scientific papers in the state, Russian and English languages.

   Higher educational institutions of the city. SKSU named after M. Auezov. A. Baitursynov №50 multidisciplinary school-gymnasium "Rukhani zhagyru" in the framework of the program of the scientific and methodological seminar held a meeting on the worldwide 24 months. The main goal of recruiting students is to develop the competence of teachers in education. At the same time, the formation of a position in the choice of the profession of future owners. Add in from the interaction teachers shared opinions, experiences. 6-main residential areas "Rukhani zhagyru" 4 programs, of which directly in the field of education







       Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of personality in different periods of ontogenesis;

Psychological mechanisms of personal self-actualization in the context of creative self-development of the individual.

      Improving the system of training future specialists in the field of practical psychology in innovative educational psychotechnics and in the context of psychotechnology. The use of art therapy techniques in the process of correcting personal disharmony.

      In the process of training, the teachers of the department widely use the following innovative psychotechnics and psychotechnologies: gestalt therapy, art therapy, body-oriented psychotherapy, fairy tale therapy, elements of Kelly's psycho-role therapy, socio-psychological trainings, personal growth trainings, suggestopedicheskie, rhythmopedic and relaxation technologies, and also interactive forms and methods of teaching.

The department takes an active part in organizing and holding conferences on the use of innovative psychotechnics and psychological technologies in education, as well as psychological trainings aimed at the formation and development of cognitive processes, the emotional-volitional sphere of the individual, ethnic tolerance and communicative competence.

     The teachers of the department supervise student research works, the results of which are the reports of students at the annual student conferences. The best reports are published in collections of scientific papers of conferences





Students of the department "Modern Pedagogy and Psychology" are multiple winners of the Republican Subject Olympiads in Psychology.




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