Research work, RWS

      The teaching staff of the department conducts scientific research on "The problem of using folk games and national sports in extracurricular work in the general education school".

      Themes of research performed on the state budget topics– «Technique of increasing motor activity in adolescents during training sessions» cipher Б-ФСК-06-12-05/1. The work is carried out in five sections. Senyor teacher Zholdasbekova B.A. works on the project "Theoretical foundations designing pedagogical technologies in the process of professional development of pedagogical workers".

     The staff of the department actively participate in the republican and regional conferences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    The department annually publishes scientific works and produces educational and methodical literature according to plans. The department has published about 300 scientific works and educational methodological literature.
    The work of the NIRS is organized at the proper level. In the future, the development of the scientific and practical activities of student youth designated by President Nursultan Nazarbayev is planned.

   In the republican Olympiad on the subject "Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sports" in Almaty, students Rysbekov Zh., Baymyrzayev B., Alzhanov Zh. Received certificates of participation in the Olympiad.
    In the student scientific university conference devoted to the message of the President to the people of Kazakhstan: "Жаңа онжылдық- жаңа экономикалық өрлеу"; Shymkent-SKSU named after M.Auezov, 27 reports were included, from them 3 students' reports are presented for rewarding and encouraging.



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