Educational work

    Modern trade higher education is impossible without the purposeful forming of social, civil look of future specialist. His task is education for them feelings of patriotism, socially active citizen, possessing the flexible thinking, developed political culture, critical attitude toward reality and ability of establishment of collaboration and dialogue with other people, in a word is preparation of highly educated and moral specialists.

Coming from the put tasks, a department is conduct next учебно-воспитательной work assignments:

·      it is the civil-patriotic and spiritually-moral education, sent to mastering of norms of right, realization of responsibility for prosperity of the country, becoming of active vital position;

·      forming of the constantly operating informatively-propagandist and просветительно-образовательной system assisting the increase of efficiency of educator work;

·      professionally-labour education forming creative approach, will to labour and self-perfection in select speciality, attaching to traditions and values of professional association;

·      propaganda of healthy way of life, aimed at popularization of physical culture and sport, organization of sport-health events, mastering of skills and principles of healthy way of life;

·      organization of psychological counseling and preventive points necessary for the adaptation of first-year students to the intra-university way of life and the order of life of the faculty as a whole, the prevention of crime, drug addiction, etc .;
      The academic environment of the faculty has a huge impact on the personal and professional development of the future specialist. Its most important components are history, traditions and rituals, as a symbolic expression of involvement in the university community, the spiritual and moral climate in the university collective: norms and rules of relationships, the level of psychological comfort and social security; material and technical equipment of the department.




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160012, Shyment City, Tauke khan avenue, 5


(8-725-2) 40-08-99

(8-725-2) 27-38-52


Chancellery(8-725-2) 21-01-41

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