XV Republican subject Olympiad for students of higher educational institutions according to the educational program 6B03210 - "Librarianship"

  From April 19 to April 20, 2023, the XV Republican Subject Olympiad was held among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the educational program 6B03210 - "Library Science" (6B03205 - "Library Information Systems").            
The Republican Olympiad was held on the basis of the Faculty of History of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, organized by the Department of World History, Historiography and Source Studies, which is the winner of the previous Olympiad.            
The main objectives of the Republican Olympiad were: the disclosure of creative abilities, selection, support of talented and gifted students, assistance in the formation of the intellectual potential of the contestants, involving them in solving scientific problems of our time and developing interest in scientific activities.           
  The Olympiad was held in three rounds in the form of a team competition.            
I round. Greeting the team was done as homework. In the task, a profession was presented, which includes the focus, essence, features of practical work in the library field, creative departments.            
II round. Situational tasks and a competition of questions and answers in the core disciplines of OP 6B03210 - "Library Science" (6B03205 - "Library Information Systems"). Each team was given one situational task and two questions.            
III round. Development and defense of a scientific project related to library and information activities:- Development of librarianship "Everything is in our hands";- In the digital educational space: competencies of library specialists.            
At the Republican Olympiad, 4 teams from 4 universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan were represented: Kazakh National University named after. Al-Farabi, Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, South Kazakhstan University. M. Auezov, West-Kazakhstan State University. M. Utemisova.            
Students of SKU im. M. Auezov, who took part in the Republican Olympiad, showed comprehensive deep knowledge and professional skills.            
According to the results of the rounds of the Olympiad, the team of SKU im. M. Auezov "Rukhani zholserik" - 1st place (team leader - Seytimbetova Danakul Erkinbekovna, team captain - Alpysbayeva Kyzgaldak), the team of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi "Farabi Everest" took 2nd place and 3rd place of the team of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University " Smart girls” and West Kazakhstan State University named after M. Utemisov “Book lovers”.          
   For the high level of training of students participating in the XV Republican Subject Olympiad in the educational program 6B03210 - "Library Science", all participants and the first heads of universities were awarded Certificates and Letters of Thanks.            
The teaching staff of the department "General History and Museum Affairs" congratulates students on their successful performance at the Republican Subject Olympiad and thanks the leadership of the university for the opportunity to participate in this event! Congratulations to the winners!


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