Guest lectures at the university

        Academician Abishev Ali Azhimovich, First Vice President of the Association of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, arrived at the university on a three-day visit. He was met by the entire leadership of the university, headed by the Chairman of the Board-Rector of the University. The high guest was shown the Parasat Center, the Mukhtartan Scientific Center, the Center for the Bologna Process and Academic Mobility, other attractions of the Moscow Auezov School of Education. For his part, the prominent scientist will conduct a series of guest lectures for the teaching staff and students.
        On the first day, Ali Azhimovich gave a lecture in two parts on the topic "Ahmet Baitursynov: Reformer and Scientist," where he touched upon a wide range of various issues of our time, including a deep analysis of the problems of the transition to the Latin alphabet. The audience was interested in the personality of the lecturer, and his merits, achievements. After all, Doctor of Economics, Professor A.A. Abishev headed a number of higher educational institutions. Having started his career at the Abai ASU, from 2005 to 2012. was the rector of KazEUim.T. Ryskulov, then the rector of the University of International Business, from 2013 to 2014. - Director of the International Leadership Institute, and in 2019 - rector of the Atyrau University of Oil and Gas.
The meeting with the scientist was actively attended by history students of the Faculty of Economics, headed by Dean Ph.D., Associate Professor Urazbaev Kurmangali Marhabatula. Towards the end of the day, the administration of the university, especially for a prominent figure in science and education of the Republic, organized a visit to the old city and citadel of Shymkent.
  On the second day of the tour, in the morning, a guest lecture is planned at the junction of sciences. The topic is "Cartography: the connection of history, geography and linguistics." And after lunch, the final, in the guest program, meeting with students and top managers of the university: "Leadership in higher education." A very versatile person and an interesting person - A.A. Abishev is a full member of five Academies, deputy editor-in-chief of the journal "Problems of Modern Economy." He always has something to say to the young.
     On October 1, the last day of the visit to the southern region of Kazakhstan by the Almaty guest, the meeting side planned an unforgettable excursion to the mausoleums of Arystan Baba (ancient Otyrar) and H.A. Yassavi (the city of Turkestan).
    We sincerely hope that Ali Azhimovich will like not only the activity of our student body, but also the warmth and hospitality of all southerners!
Recall Abishev A.A. the author of more than 200 scientific papers on the problems of theory and methodology of economic science, economic policy and technological modernization, issues of reforming Kazakhstan's education and science, including 2 monographs, 7 textbooks, 5 textbooks, 2 dictionaries, a member of the editorial board "Economic Classics" within the framework of the State Program "Cultural Heritage."


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