The event "Open Day" of the Department of "Psychology and Special Pedagogy" of the Faculty of "History and Pedagogy"

On December 08, 2021, the event "Open Day" of the Department of Psychology and Special Pedagogy for college students and graduates of Shymkent secondary School was held in the assembly hall of the building No. 7 of the          M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University.

The main purpose of the event is to introduce future graduates to the university, the specialties of psychology and defectology of the faculty, to talk about studying and admission, about the advantages of our university.  More than a hundred graduates of schools and colleges of Shymkent were invited to this event, who were presented by the director of the University's Career Guidance Center M. Aitureev, Dean of the Faculty of History and Pedagogy K. Urazbayev, as well as the head of the Department Z. Kabylbekova, who presented their knowledge about admission and psychology to our university.  Invited teachers and guests of the department (representative of the Center for the Provision of Special social Services No. 3 of the Department of Employment and Social Protection of Shymkent - Zhetybaev N.A., director of the Center for Personal Development "REFRAEME— - Verotskaya G. E., Shymkent, head of the Center for Psychological, medical and Pedagogical Correction-Shegenova P. K. and Karibaeva M.) we listened attentively to the speeches of our students about internships and employment. During the Open Day, prospective applicants got acquainted with the advantages of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University over other universities. The Department of Psychology and Special Pedagogy allowed graduates of schools and colleges to get acquainted with the teaching staff and students of our university, get acquainted with textbooks published by teachers and make sure of the prospects of the specialty psychology at our university.


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