Today, on April 12, 2024, the XVII Republican Student Subject Olympiad on the educational program 6B03210 - Library science and 6B03205 – "Library information systems" among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan began work at the M.Auezov University of South Kazakhstan.
    The organizers of the student subject Olympiad were the Department of General History and Museum Business of the Faculty of History and Pedagogy and solutions to methodological issues, senior teachers Labenova R. S., Toyeva M.E., Saurbaeva I.K.
   The purpose of the Olympiad is to search for and introduce innovations into the educational process, develop professional courage and independence of librarians, identify talents and abilities of future specialists.
In total, 26 students from 6 universities of Kazakhstan took part in the Olympiad:
  1. The team "Rukhani Kazyna" Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Head - coordinator of the specialty, PhD, Associate Professor Mukhazhanova T.N.;
  2. SmartLady team Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. The head is A.A. Bektemir;
  3. The Bibliohile team of the M.Utemisov West Kazakhstan University. The head is A.A. Bektemir;
  4. The team of "Biblioagents 07" of the West Kazakhstan University of Innovation and Technology. The head is Z.B. Utesheva.;
  5. The team "Tashenev Book keepers" University named after J.A. Tashenev. The head is G. M. Syrailova;
  6. The ARMARIS team of the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University. The head is M.E. Toieva.
    The Olympiad program included three rounds: greeting teams, (teams competed through videos and video presentations, told about themselves, their vision of who a modern librarian is and their social role in society; presentations, questions and answers, development and protection of research projects related to library activities and reflecting their relevance, completeness disclosure of the topic, resource and personnel opportunities, creative approach.
    The jury, chaired by the head of the reader service department of the Al-Farabi Baydildaeva Akbope Sagintayeva City Scientific Universal Library, evaluated the contestants taking into account their creativity, innovation, use of information technology, erudition, ingenuity, level of knowledge, and quick decision-making skills.
    The members of the jury of the XVII Republican Student subject Olympiad in Library Science are Utegulova L.Zh. - Head of the Department of Library Development of the Information and Educational Center of the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov: Kukeeva M.K., Musaeva S.T. - Ph.D., associate professors of the Department of General History and Museum Business
G.K. Otarbayeva - Head of the Department of General History and Museum Business.
   The faculty of the Department of General History and Museum Business wishes students successful performances at the Republican Subject Olympiad and thanks the University management for the opportunity to participate in this event!


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