Open House

     South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov, the Center for Career Guidance and the Faculty of History and Pedagogy held an "Open Doors" day in educational building No. 7 with the aim of presenting educational programs, educational and laboratory complexes to graduates of the city of Shymkent, Tyulkubassky district.
     Dean of the Faculty of History and Pedagogy Urazbaev Kurmangali Markhabatovich, Head of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Primary Preschool Education Ermekbaev Mukhtar Abenovich, Head of the Department of General History and Museum Affairs Otarbaev Gulzhan, Head of the Department of General Pedagogy and Psychology Usenova Akkenzhe Mukovich Anovna, Head of the Department of History of Kazakhstan Dzhunisbaev Serik Mutanovich, Head of the Department of Political Science Mazhinbekov Saken Aralbaevich and Head of the Media Department of the Career Guidance Center Kayykbaev Meirbek Zhumabaevich spoke
     Active students of the Faculty of History and Pedagogy showed their skills. Also, school graduates were shown a video about the university and the faculty.
     On the open day, directors of a number of schools and colleges of South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov, who took an active part in career guidance work and the event, were awarded letters of thanks.
     At the end of the event, answers to questions from students and parents are given.


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