90th anniversary of the birth of Sherkhan Murtaza

      90th anniversary of the birth of Sherkhan Murtaza.
      The anniversary of the writer-lawyer, who made an invaluable contribution to Kazakh literature and press, was held in the Zhambyl region. A monument and a museum in his house were unveiled.
      The anniversary of the statesman and public figure Sherkhan Murtaza began with the opening of the monument. An 8-meter stone is installed in front of the International University. This is not in vain, because during the holiday the school bears the name of a folk writer. At the opening ceremony, representatives of the intelligentsia spoke about the work done by Sheraga and talked about the wonderful life of the jeweler.
      Anniversary Scientific Conference at the Ancient Taraz Center.
The purpose of the scientific practical conference: "Wise Kalamger, a figure who devoted the conscious life of Sheraga, an alligator of honor, the development of the spirituality of the nation, Sherhan Murtaza brought up a whole generation in journalism, opened the way to talents, formed his own school of the Kazakh press to the young generation that we had baitering
           Dean of the Faculty "History and Pedagogy" Urazbaev K.M. took part in a scientific conference. The wedding continued in the village of Talapty, where the writer was born.


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